How to Download PornHub videos.
As we know on pornhub you are free to download their free videos, they even have a page full of ads…. I mean with the instructions to do so.
Or you can go to another websites and download tons of viruses! but no video.
For that reason I’ll show you how to download the free videos.
All you need is:
- Computer
- Internet Connection
- the link of the video you want
- and of course.

Imagine this is the page of the video you want.

once you are on the page you want, right at the border of the video box… NOT IN THE VIDEO, OUT SIDE… on the white section of the image, right click on it. PS: Make sure you right click a section that is not a video or ads.
select the option inspect. The webTools will pop out.

dont worry, we do not need to know what is all that. Thats the Elements section, but we dont want this one. Look for “Console” click on it.

youll get something like that. now lets clean all that.
write clear() and hit enter.


as you can imagine, those are the quality sizes of the video, choose the one you want. when you select the one you want hit enter. It returns the url where video is stored.
select “qualityItems_RANDOM-strings” something like that will appear expand it

Now use them copy paste skills you have gain all this time

right click on the url and open on a new tab.

now all you need to do is right click on the video and select save video as.

choose where you want to save the video, hit enter and wait for it to be downloaded.

I hope you enjoy it.
Thanks for reading Do not forget to share it.
PS: want another page? leave a comment and I’ll take a look into it. I currently know how to do this on xnxx pornhub xvideos youjizz & youporn.