How to get the Profile Pic of instagram w/out anything else than a pc.
first of all I want to mention that the next content is only for learning purposes and I will not be responsable for your actions. As Instagram/facebook have copyright on yow sh*t. Let’s start.
I will be the victim I mean the I’ll use my profile as example go to
once you get into my profile hit the follow button.
xDD I’m just kidding, do it if you could get the pic.
Next thing you have to do is….
forgot to mention that to do this you need to be on a computer it doesn't work on phones and stuff.
… on my profile do a right click an select the option “inspect”

something like that will appear. then with that thing open make sure to reload the page, you can do so by pressing the “F5” or clicking the rounded arrow next to the little house on the top of the browser.
Now on at the inspect section find the “Console” tab

in my case it is next to elements if by any reasons you do not see it all the way to the right there are 3 dots click on them.

click where it says show console drawer

bunch of crap will come out don't worry click on the icon that looks like this

you'll find it at the left side of your screen.

now with the console clean we is ready to hit some commands on it. click on the little arrow it is bellow the clean button we just pressed. you’ll see that it is blinking just like an input field and that's what we are going to do we are going to type “_sharedData” hit enter

something like this will appear expand it

among that something call “entry_data” will be click on it. It contains the “ProfilePage”

expand that as well

also expand the “0” then you’ll be able to see something call user click on it

once you expand user find where it says “profile_pic_url”

now with your skills of copy paste copy the url of profile_pic_url_hd, once you copy it go open a new tab and paste the link there

tara! there you have it, now go back to my profile and follow me xDDD.
once again this is only for study purposes I am responsible for nothing.